Description::"Stamford Bridge was the last Viking battle on English soil. Harold Godwinsson, the English King, had spent the summer of 1066 camped in Southern England awaiting the arrival of the Norman invasion fleet led by William the Duke of Normandy. To his surprise it was a Viking invasion force led by the Norwegian King, Harald Hardrada, that landed 250 miles to the North in a small village just outside York. Accompanied by the English King's brother, Earl Tostig, who had been recruiting troops in Scotland, King HaraldÆs army took the city of York and then marched East towards Stamford Bridge - where they would be joined by a Viking re-inforcement army led by Eystein Orri. It was here that King HaroldÆs men, exhausted after 5 days of forced marching, surprised HaraldÆs army on the banks of the River Derwent. The bridge was undefended - save for a solitary Viking who was determined to halt the English advance in time for the rest of the army to don their army and prepare for battle ..."
Conditions::"King Harald Hardrada, the Earl of Tostig and Eystein Orri must all be killed or routed from the field."
Player::"Harold" 5 5 LOCAL "The English" 0 true 22467 29743 140 CATHOLIC_CULTURE